Emerald Empire
The Legend of the Five Rings Companion
(320 pages, hardbound)
Releases June 2007
Emerald Empire is a must-have for Legend of the Five Rings Role-Playing Game Players & GMs who wish to bring their campaigns alive with a wealth of details about the workings of Rokugani life, as well as plot hooks and adventure ideas. It is also a crucial resource for players who want to understand how their characters — or the NPCs whom they encounter — are expected to act, and think and feel, and how they are shaped by the world in which they live.
Above all, Emerald Empire: The Legend of the Five Rings Companion is a comprehensive guide to the world of Rokugan, its wonders and its commonplaces. It is a rules supplement that requires the Legend of the Five Rings Role-Playing Game Third Edition core rulebook to make full use of it, but it also contains by itself much of interest to any Legend of the Five Rings fan.
Clear and systematic descriptions of Rokugan’s social and political hierarchy, so that you never have to wonder about who answers to whom in the Great Clans, the Minor Clans and the Imperial Court. Includes the most detailed description to date of Imperial Court offices and their duties.
Vassal family rules updated for Third Edition, including descriptions of 48 different vassal families.
Detailed discussion of how the Clans and the Imperial magistrates preserve law and order throughout the Empire, including descriptions of the workings of the Emerald Magistrate system, the Kuni Witch-Hunters and the Asako Inquisitors.
A discussion of the Rokugani art of war in its various forms, including a soldier’s various duties, various Clan military traditions and elite units, and advice for incorporating military cam-paigns into your RPG campaign.
Much, much more!