Rarely taken seriously by the major races of the galaxy, the
Drazi are in fact one of the most powerful governments
within the League of Non-Aligned Worlds, dominating many
systems in their region of space. Their society is one based on
conflict and physical strength, and Drazi are noted for using
their fists to resolve problems without a second thought.
Male Names: Bamar, Drozak, Juphar, Makkar, Tubar,
Female Names: Janalla, Makka, Shallisa.
Drazi Racial Traits
+2 Strength, –2 Intelligence: Drazi are extremely strong
for their size but are not known for their intellectual
All Drazi are of Medium size.
Drazi have a base speed of 30 feet.
Having been taught to fight since infancy, Drazi learn
to use their hands, feet and even teeth to great effect in
a fight. They gain Brawler as a bonus feat.
Drazi are incredibly quick to use brute force to resolve
problems and are always ready for a fight. They gain a
+2 bonus to all Initiative checks.
The thick scaled skin of the Drazi grants a natural
Damage Reduction 1. This stacks normally with any
armour worn.
Short Fuse: Drazi are not known for their pacifism.
They suffer a –2 penalty to any Wisdom-based check
or Will save that involves them reining in their temper
or avoiding a fight.
Automatic Language Feats: Fluency (Drazi) and Fluency
Favoured Class: Soldier. A multiclass Drazi’s soldier
class does not count when determining whether he
suffers an XP penalty for multiclassing.